Forest of Energy

The goal of the project ‘Forest of Energy’ is to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Its implementation is our contribution to increasing the share of energy from renewable sources (RES) and reducing Poland’s dependence on fossil fuel imports from other countries, which affects the energy security of us all.

Through this project, the State Forests develop their own renewable energy sources and gain the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint more quickly.

Our scope of work

  • Creating and implementing an energy strategy for the State Forests.
  • Introducing tools for integrated energy management.
  • Building RES installations for our own needs and providing land for the construction of photovoltaic parks and wind turbines building by energy producers.
  • Expanding the fleet of electric vehicles and creating infrastructure for their charging.
  • Planning the construction of energy storage facilities and modernizing the transmission infrastructure located on the State Forests’ ground.
  • Collaborating with domestic energy producers and energy clusters.
  • Collaborating with universities on research and development: testing and implementing innovations in energy efficiency and RES.

What is our aim?

We are an organization that consciously and actively engages in climate protection. We are aware of the problem of climate change: foresters observe their impact on forests and want to counteract these changes at their source. We care about rational and efficient resource management, so we attach great importance to effective energy management and the development of our own sources of energy. We are convinced that investments in innovation and green energy are important drivers of the development for the Polish economy and a better future for local communities.

We reduce CO2 emissions and increase the amount of energy produced from RES.

Through the implementation of the project, we contribute to achieving national climate goals: reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere (especially CO2) and increasing the amount of energy produced from RES. The increase in the supply of green energy in the Polish market brings benefits not only to the environment but also to its consumers. In the long term, RES represents an opportunity to lower energy prices, which are burdened by the increasing costs of emissions permits generated during its production.

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