Wind Energy
We have initiated three pilot investment projects for the construction of wind farms within the Regional Directorates of the State Forests in Zielona Góra and Szczecin, collaborating with an experienced partner – Eurowind Energy.
All selected locations comply with applicable laws, both in terms of required distances from residential buildings and restrictions imposed by nature conservation regulations. The investment process is conducted in an open and transparent manner, with thorough analysis of all relevant aspects of the investment: environmental, social, and economic. We also draw on the experiences of foresters from Finland, Sweden and Germany – countries where wind turbines are already in operation above forests.
Wind turbines are facilities that do not require a large area: only around 20-30 acres are needed to lay the foundations of the structure. Only spot and necessary thinning, resulting from the need to prepare the site for construction, is planned during construction and then during the operational period. For the transportation of the windmill elements, maximum use will be made of already existing or planned forest and fire roads. Some of these may have to be widened to ensure that vehicles can turn.
These roads will later serve as service roads and will be given the status of fire roads. Once the project is completed (the lease period for the pilot projects is 30 years), the land can be afforested again.
The windmills will operate above the treetops: their wings will be at a height of approximately 70-80 m. The most important thing for us is to maintain the highest environmental standards. Initial environmental monitoring of the project sites has already begun and will be carried out by the investor in subsequent stages, under the terms and conditions set out in the environmental decisions.
The turbines will also be equipped with state-of-the-art technologies to prevent collisions with birds or bats. Detection and response systems minimise the risk of collision by:
- shutting down the wind turbine when a bird enters the collision risk zone (calculation based on turbine parameters),
- slowing down rotor rotation,
- activating signals (audible or visual) to deter birds from entering the collision risk zone.
Additionally, the wind turbines will have their own fire protection systems (including self-extinguishing systems) and fire alarm systems, which are required by the investment insurer. Moreover, in the event of a fire the investor has the option to shut down the turbine remotely. The State Forests have a professional and well-organized fire protection system that operates to protect forests regardless of the source of the fire. In addition to existing instructions, during pre-investment activities, the investor and the State Forests, with the participation of the fire brigade, will develop a special fire protection procedure in case of such a fire in the forest.
In the first three pilot locations, the construction of up to 10 turbines with a capacity of 6-7 MW each is planned.