Green vehicle fleet

Since 2018, we have been shifting to electric cars, equipping the State Forests with vehicles that run on electricity and alternative fuels. We currently operate 62 such vehicles. In the future, we also want to invest in hydrogen vehicles.
We are not only betting on the purchase of cars, but are also expanding our fleet to include other electric vehicles: motorbikes for the Forest Guard, bicycles for visitors to forest recreation centres, or melex to service tourist facilities. We plan that all of them will be eventually powered by electricity from renewable energy sources installed in State Forest units.
As the fleet cannot function without infrastructure, we are building charging stations for electric vehicles for our own use. Currently, the network of charging stations consists of 56 points; in the future, at least one station will be located in almost every forest district, creating a network covering the whole of Poland. We plan to make the chargers available to external users as well, subject to the implementation of a station management system.
Why do we invest in electric vehicles?
Electric vehicles are part of a strategy of social responsibility and bring many environmental benefits. They emit neither carbon dioxide directly into the atmosphere, nor harmful compounds such as sulphur and nitrogen oxides or particulate matter, which contribute to the phenomenon of smog. What is more, cars of this type are characterised by a very quiet powertrain, making it possible to reduce noise pollution. Electromobility also means cleaner operation and less pollution from fuel or oil spills, which is significant in forested areas, including valuable natural ones.