Meeting with RawlPlug from Wrocław

Zdjęcie przedstawia instalację paneli fotowoltaicznych na kamienistym podłożu w słoneczny dzień. W tle znajduje się mural z pejzażem leśnym i wizerunkiem ptaka w locie, namalowany na ścianie budynku. Obok widoczne są metalowe ogrodzenia i kilka drzew. Na zdjęciu umieszczony jest napis: 'Dialog techniczny z firmą RawlPlug z Wrocławia.

: On July 11, 2024, an inspiring technical meeting took place between the State Forests and Rawlplug from Wrocław. The discussions focused on strategies for sourcing and managing energy from renewable sources, including innovative solutions such as agrophotovoltaics, energy storage systems, and thermal storage solutions.

Nadleśnictwo Gniewkowo | Carport-Style Parking Shelter

The State Forests are increasingly harnessing solar energy, actively participating in the green energy transition. A carport-style parking shelter has been put into operation at the Gniewkowo Forest District headquarters.


Bioregions Facility’s Forestry Speed Dating is a dynamic series of events showcasing innovative solutions in the field of bioeconomy. Focused on knowledge, sharing and collaboration, each event promotes sustainable development in the forestry industry. Participants can learn about innovations, connect with potential partners, and seize new opportunities.

Zero-emission innovations in State Forests

Zdjęcie przedstawiające budynek

Building renovations in State Forests are not just investments in comfort and aesthetics. Above all, optimizing energy management consumed by the facility and implementing all works in the spirit of the circular economy are crucial. It will be more economical and significantly more environmentally friendly. How? We will find out during the pilot of deep thermal modernization for 4 buildings in State Forests.

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