Improving energy efficiency of buildings in the SF
Building the future with good energy
Our goal is to improve the energy efficiency of buildings managed by the State Forests, including forestry district headquarters, offices, and utility buildings. Through these investments, we aim to combat climate change by reducing or avoiding CO2 emissions generated during energy production. We also intend to reduce energy consumption and costs while increasing the share of renewable energy sources in overall energy production. Additionally, we strive to raise the standards of the buildings we use.
Between 2017 and 2021, we conducted thermomodernization of 135 of our facilities across Poland, and the installed capacity of renewable energy installations during this period was 2.7 MW.
What do we do?

We’re changing for the better!
By 2030, we plan:
Energy modernization of 300 buildings managed by the State Forests through deep thermomodernization.
Installation of small-scale renewable energy installations with a capacity of 9 MW.